The Chaos of Performance

… isn’t it funny how we can spend our entire lives performing as ourselves. I’m sure we don’t do it on purpose. Maybe it’s a learned survival tactic. Some never meet their authentic selves. For those that feel that they’ve had the privilege of knowing their true identity. Give yourself a hug. You have won the game of life. After a much needed break from social media, and life in general, I see. Your authentic self rests below the surface. It’s deeper than your thoughts and feelings. It’s the spirit within. Your authentic self shines when no one is watching. When you dance wildly and freely. When you connect deeply with the people you love. It’s in the moments of your life that aren’t aesthetically pleasing. The moments that would never see the light of instagram. It shines when your salty and sweet. When you cry and scream, when you break loose from the status quo and when you realize that you have nothing to prove and you’re unbelievably worthy.

Let’s stop the cosplay and get to the real shyt.

