Want To Learn How To Hula Hoop? Start Here!

Hoop Dance 101: A Beginner’s Guide to Hula Hooping


Are you intrigued by the mesmerizing art of hoop dance? Hula hooping is not only a fantastic way to have fun but also an incredible form of exercise that enhances coordination, flexibility, and self-expression. Whether you’re a complete beginner or looking to improve your skills, this guide will help you embark on your hoop dance journey.

Choosing the Perfect Hoop

Starting with the right hoop is crucial for your hula hooping adventure. As a beginner, opt for a larger, heavier hoop. These hoops rotate more slowly, making it easier to learn and perform tricks. Look for hoops made of durable materials like polyethylene or polypropylene. You can find hoop options in sports stores, online marketplaces, or from independent hoop makers. Here Are some of my recommendations when purchasing a hula hoop.

  1. Mood Hoops – Mood Hoops is one of the largest flow arts companies. They have hoops of all varieties including polypro, LED, and fire. Their hoops are also well priced and of great quality. Also If you’re interested in other flow props, they have a large collection on the site.
  2. Shani Anne Marvelous– Shani sells beautiful taped hula hoops and more. I bought a hoop from her in person and it was absolute perfection. The connection was seamless and the tubing was high quality.
  3. Dance Hoops on Etsy – One of the first hoops I ever purchased was from Dance hoops. I was really nervous to buy my first hoop but I took a chance, and 5 years later the hoop is still going strong! Their glowing reviews will tell you everything you need to know about this company!
  4. Hoopologie – I really respect Hoopologie as a company. They’re very active on social media and feature diverse hoopers from all over the world. Their hoops are of top-notch quality!
  5. Twilight Hoops – If you’re looking for a smart hoop that doesn’t break the bank, check out Twilight Hoops. Their hoops are handmade, shine bright, and come with beautiful settings.


  • Bigger hoops move slower and smaller hoops move faster, this is why it’s better to use bigger hoops for on-body hooping.
  • Measure for your hoop. I like measuring either to the top of the thigh or the belly button when choosing a hula hoop. Also consider waist size. Mood Hoops actually has a perfect sizing guide. It includes pictures, examples, and talks about different types of hoops such as polypro, HDPE, and more.
  • Know your goals with hooping. If your goal is specifically on body hooping, a large 1 inch hoop will suffice. If you want to explore on body and off body, think about a lighter weight polypro or hdpe hoop.
  • Multiple hoop sizes would be ideal. A large 40″ hoop can be great for learning on-body hooping, but for neck hooping or advanced off-body tricks, not so much. The best hoops are ones you can do on-body and off-body tricks alike. For me, that was a 35″ polypro 3/4 OD hoop. As you continue your hoop journey, it’s a great idea to grow your hoop collection and try different sizes. Different sizes will create a different hooping experience. For instance, when I use one of my favorite 28″ hoops, my flow is a lot faster and more “techy” and when I use my 35″ hoop my flow is slower and focuses more on-body. Try out different hoops over time and you’ll find the one you like best.
  • Many hoopers try smaller hoops as they progress in their journey because you can do more of those “techy” advanced tricks. This is a personal choice. I do love my 27″ hoop but once in a while, I love flowing with the 35″ hoop I started with!

Posture and Stance

Before diving into hooping, it’s essential to establish a solid foundation with proper posture and stance. Stand tall with your feet shoulder-width apart. Relax your shoulders and engage your core muscles. Remember to keep a straight back and gaze forward. This alignment will help you maintain control and balance while hooping.

First Tricks to Learn

Now that you have your hoop and a solid foundation, let’s explore a few beginner-friendly tricks to get you started:

  1. Waist Hooping: Place the hoop around your waist and give it a gentle swing in either direction. Move your hips forward and backward to keep the hoop spinning. With practice, you’ll find your rhythm.
  2. Hula Hoop Lift: Begin with waist hooping and use your hands to lift the hoop from your waist to above your head. Gradually bring it back down to your waist and continue waist hooping.
  3. Hand Spins: Hold the hoop with both hands at waist level. Spin in one direction while keeping the hoop parallel to the ground. This move helps with coordination and control.

Get Plugged Into Community

The online hooping community is a beautiful supportive space for hoopers of all levels. In my opinion, the hoop community has some of the kindest people on earth. Plugging into the community can help you on your journey as well as bring you some great new friends. In this post, I wanted to share some of my favorite online spaces for hoopers! You can also look up flow jams and hula hoop classes/events in your city. Or even create your own! That’s what I did!

Facebook Groups:

Infinite Circles Community, Hula Hoop Dance Society, Hoop Revolution, Amazing Flow Arts, The Hoop Loop

Instagram: @Hoopoloogie, @MoodHoops, @Hooptuts

Instagram Hashtags To Follow:

#hooping #hoopspam #stopdropandspin #Flowmiesofearth #infinatecircles #Infinitecirclescommunity

How to Improve

Consistency and practice are key to mastering hoop dance. Here are a few tips to help you get better:

  • Daily Practice: Dedicate a few minutes each day to hula hooping. Regular practice will improve your muscle memory and overall skill level.
  • Film Your Progress: When You’re first starting out with any new skill, you may not see any improvement, when you film your progress you’ll be surprised how much you progress over time
  • Explore Tutorials: Online platforms like YouTube offer a treasure trove of hula hooping tutorials. Or You can take classes or online courses for convenience.
  • Practice Often: Even if it’s 10 minutes a day. The more you practice, the more your body will get used to the foreign movements you’re doing with your body.
  • Repetition Is Your Friend: As you build muscle memory, hooping will become more and more natural for you.
  • Practice Both Currents: Most of us have a dominant side and a weaker side, but don’t let that stop you from practicing your weaker side. For example, say you naturally hoop on your waist to the left, you should also practice hooping to the right. Or maybe you’re right-handed, and you use your right hand for off-body tricks, also practice with your left hand. I took far too long to learn tricks on my non-dominant side. Training both sides will help you create a more well-rounded flow.
  • Listen To Music You Love: There’s something about listening to your favorite song while hooping, it hits different. There were times I did a trick without thinking about it because I was so into the music.
  • Try Different Hoops: Smaller hoops move faster than bigger hoops, you’ll find that different hoops will create a different feel/experience.
  • Stretch/Warm-up: It’s never a bad idea to stretch and warm up your body before you go into a practice session or flow.
  • Find Inspiration In Other Hoopers but Try to Avoid Comparison: Getting inspiration from fellow hoopers is a great thing, but when you start feeling bad about your own journey, it may be time to focus on your own flow for a while. Then when you’re ready to be inspired again, hop back on social media and ooh and ahh over your faves.
  • Go At Your Own Pace: In my own experience, I wanted to learn everything immediately, but it doesn’t work that way. Take it slow, take it day by day, you’ll progress as you put in the time and practice.

Now all that’s left to do is keep hooping!

Excited to start hula hooping but feeling like you don’t know where to go from here? You’re not alone, and I totally get it. That’s why I’m here to introduce you to something truly special— Hula Hoop 101! A hula hoop course that’s designed to empower you and make learning hula hooping a breeze.

Hula hooping can be tough, when you’re first learning. But don’t worry, I’ve been there too. That’s why I’ve created a course that not only acknowledges the challenges but helps you get to the main goal of hooping… HAVING FUN!

My hula hoop course is packed with 101 tricks ranging from beginner to advanced level. I’ll guide you through them all. But there’s more to it than just tricks. I understand that every hooper’s journey is unique, so we provide specialized information for new hoopers, setting you up for success right from the start.

One of the things that makes this course truly special is that I emphasize the art of stringing tricks together and finding your own flow. It’s not just about learning tricks, but uncovering your own style and expression. With my course, you won’t need to spend countless hours scouring the web because I’ve gathered everything you need in one convenient place.

So, let’s embark on this hula hoop journey together. Join my course, and let’s start you on your journey, step by step. It’s time to bring out your inner hooper extraordinaire and enjoy the incredible world of hula hooping. See you on the inside!

Zoe Joy Black


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  1. Pingback: Want To Get Into Flow Arts? Start Here – Zoe Joy Black

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